Monday, February 11, 2013

If You Love Them... Give Them A Hug!

Everyone needs a Hug

Everyone needs a Hug

e need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 4 hugs a day for strength.
Modern science can only concur with Biblical truth and Daniel’s experience with a touch from God: “Then the one who looked like a man touched me again, and I felt my strength returning” 
(Dan 10:18 NLT).

Research at the University of North Carolina found that a simple hug can lower blood pressure and reduce stress. The research team is touting it as yet another health benefit of marriage. There is not only reassurance in such moments of touch, but the release of oxytocin, a human hormone associated with maternal love. 
The hypothalamic area of the brain experiences a reduction of action, decreasing the body’s level of stress hormones, and increasing the level of endorphin, which leaves one with a sense of well-being, and results in greater relaxation. This is why a simple hug can bring comfort, calm, and for a brief moment, be a shield against the world. Reaching out and touching someone, and holding them tight is a way of saying you care. Its effects are immediate: for both, the hugger and the person being hugged feel good.

"Touch is an important component of attachment as it creates bonds between two individuals, and hugging is simply a natural expression of showing that you love and care."

"A healthy and wholesome habit that is endangered by the bustle of modern life... Hug therapy is a typical example."

Arms go out to another in a warm embrace. The gesture is self-explanatory, "I include you in my circle of caring." A hug is a spontaneous signal of acceptance. A hug holds a universe of silent meaning. Loving mothers hug their babies. Parents hug children of all ages. Couples hug each other. In all of humanity, embracing is a symbol of togetherness and belonging. Our Father in Heaven will greet each of us back into his presence with a hug. Christ reaches with outstretched arms to enfold each of us in his love.

Hugs are loaded with benefits. "Hugging ishealthy: it helps our body's immune system, it keeps you healthier, it cures depression, it reduces stress, it induces sleep, it's invigorating, it's rejuvenating, it has no unpleasant side effects, and hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug." Hugs benefit both the giver andthe receiver.

 Every person needs at least three hugs every day. Husbands, wives, parents and children all have their own minimum daily requirement of heartfelt affection... 

A daily supplement of hugs is very beneficial and important... More hugs would improve our overall well-being. Hugging is a tool of transformation. "Hugging brings people closer to each other. If your relationship with somebody is not working, try hugging them 20 times a day and there will be a significant difference,"

It only takes a hug, a heartfelt and warm embrace, to change the lives of others. Try it, it works.

Rules For Hugging
1. Let your hug be pure, meaning simply, "I care for you."
2. A hug is neutral territory. By closing the space with your loved one, there is no room in that moment for disagreements or grudges--only acceptance, understanding and sympathy.
3. "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven ... a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing" (from Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher 3). If you aren't sure if it's the right time for a hug, it's appropriate to ask.
4. A hug may only be given, not taken.
5. A request for a hug from your spouse should never be left un-granted.
6. Live in the moment of a hug. Don't let anything distract your attention.
The real thing, the full body hug, touches all the bases. The two people coming together take time to really look at each other. With a full body hug there is a sense of complete giving and trust. Communication, one uncomplicated by words.